A Year of Firsts: Harpswell SHE-CAN Scholar Socheata Huot Reflects on Freshman Year

July 4, 2022: In August 2021, the first two Harpswell SHE-CAN Scholars, Kim Pisey ‘22 and Huot Socheata ‘22, started four-year college degrees in the United States on full scholarships. Socheata is studying Civil Engineering with a minor in Architecture at Lafayette College. 

The first year of college is a special time for all students as they begin a new chapter of life. While my freshman year as a Harpswell SHE-CAN Scholar was challenging, it has been incredibly exciting and formative. My first year at Lafayette College has been one of many firsts.

I still remember my flight from Cambodia to the U.S. and my first day on campus when I moved into Watson Hall at Lafayette. I vividly remember my first meal at the dining hall – it was so different from home, but I have grown to love making my own fresh salads. I remember the first time I found my favorite studying place in the Rockwell Integrated Science Center and my first day of classes (Introduction To Engineering 101 and Visual and Spatial Composition!). I remember my first day of work on campus at the Willam Art Gallery.  

I have loved all the holidays I’ve had the chance to experience for the first time here in America: first Halloween, first Christmas on campus, and first New Years Eve. I will never forget experiencing snow for the first time or taking my first exam – I was so nervous! It is now finally summer and here I am, sitting in my dorm room and writing this freshman year reflection and I can’t help but think about this year of firsts.

One of the most meaningful experiences I had at Lafayette was international student orientation. At orientation week, we got to meet our peers as we were introduced to the campus and student resources. It was there that I got to know my many friends from countries such as Australia, India, China, Sri Lanka, Panama, Syria, and more. Having people from all over the world at our lunch table made conversations interesting! Knowing so many international students has taught me to be a good listener, learning through stories from my friends. I have also become a more confident storyteller of my own stories. We have been there for each other through homesickness, challenges and celebrations.

The first time I really struggled at Lafayette was with writing – I found the transition to completing my education fully in English to be quite challenging. Harpswell equipped me with strong skills in problem solving and made me confident in asking for help from Leadership Residents. These skills helped me here at Lafayette, where I leaned on my peers and academic resources on campus to learn new writing tools, research methods, and techniques. 

Although academics were challenging, I was able to try creative activities such as pottery for the first time and participated in sports such as badminton and running. As clichéd as it sounds, I’ve learned this year that no matter how busy I am, taking care of myself is important, because it is easy to get caught up in just working hard, reviewing lessons, and being involved in campus activities. It is important to express yourself, enjoy leisure activities and relax. I don’t think I ever appreciated good sleep as much as I do here! 

The most memorable part of this year of firsts was no doubt the people I have met. My freshman year was amazing because of the support and friendship of my mentors’ team and my friends, and of course my Harpswell sisterhood even from afar. Those people made my first year at Lafayette so special. I am looking forward to my first flight home this summer, my first internships, and many more firsts in my sophomore year at Lafayette College.


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