
We Support Women.

Our Mission and Vision

Harpswell advances young women leaders in Southeast Asia with education, training and a supportive network. We envision a new generation of women leaders who create and inspire positive social change.

Our Belief

We believe a community of educated women leaders constitutes the most powerful force for social and economic advances in Southeast Asia and beyond.

I dare to say what I think is right and I’m ready to be a model to other young women who have the courage to fight for their dreams.”

—Harpswell Alumna (Anonymous) in Impact Survey

“Harpswell taught
me to be confident.

Theory of Change

We believe that a community of educated women leaders constitutes the most powerful force for social and economic advances in Southeast Asia and beyond. We focus on the advancement of young women in Southeast Asia.

Core Programs

Harpswell operates two residential leadership centers for young women in Cambodia while they attend university in Phnom Penh, and a two-week leadership training summit in Malaysia for young professional women from the ten ASEAN countries across Southeast Asia and Nepal. 

Our goals are to equip participating women leaders by:

  • Providing a safe space to learn  

  • Developing their leadership and critical thinking skills

  • Building a lifelong support network

Founding Story

by Alan Lightman

“Would you please help us build a school?”

That was what the women said to me when I arrived at the small village of Tramung Chrum in rural Cambodia. The village had a temporary school, made of bamboo and palm leaves, simply a roof with no walls. In a strong wind, the matchstick construction blew down. 

The women, holding their babies as they spoke to me, wanted a real school, made of mortar and brick. It was December 2003, my first trip to Southeast Asia.

The Harpswell Name

The name of a town in Maine, “Harpswell,” is rooted in the language of the Abenaki indigenous ethnic group of North America.

The Abenaki referred to the town as a “quick carrying place,” given the clear passageway it afforded weary travelers. 

This meaning resonates with us, too, as we seek to provide “a carrying place.” 

We provide such a place through safe spaces, education and leadership opportunities and an unparalleled sisterhood. We help clear the path for remarkable young women in Southeast Asia who face oversized obstacles on their path to better futures.