Mayoral Proclamation Honouring Harpswell

February, 2014: We had a second event of Memphis Cambodia (see full description below) on February 8, during which Shelby County Mayor Mark Luttrell named February 8, 2014 as Memphis Cambodia Day in Memphis and Shelby County and delivered an official Mayoral Proclamation to our two Harpswell graduates in Memphis, Lina and Bormey. The Proclamation honors Harpswell and the Belief in Education and Hope.To see a new, 3-minute video in which one of our 2011 graduates tells her life story, how she grew up in a small hut with no electricity or plumbing and faced a life of farming and being married off at age 15. CLICK HERE!


New Staff: Moul Samneang


Women in Public Service Award to Harpswell