Harpswell Students Lead Literacy Initiative
June 2nd, 2018: Harspwell students traveled to the Tonle Katel Secondary School in Kompong Speu Province as part of a Harpswell student-led initiative, Together for a Better Change. They distributed pens, bags and books to the highest-achieving Tonle Katel students in grades 7 - 9.Last fall, after learning that the Tonle Katel school could not purchase new textbooks for their students, the Harpswell women decided to find a way to provide books for Tonle Katel’s library, English textbooks for their classrooms and to create activities that encourage students to read. They found a name for the project and created a written project proposal.Together for a Better Change was inspired by a challenge by Harpswell Advisory Board member Jonathan Saunders, who visited the Harspwell dorms last October. When meeting with the students, he challenged them to design social purpose or community proposals, and promised that the best proposals would receive funding.We are proud of Harpswell students for their hard work on this project and we are grateful to Jonathan for his inspiration and support.